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Why Donald Trump’s idea that he saved millions of lives is laughable


President Donald Trump has taken to defending his handling of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the more than 80,000 now dead this way: It could have been way worse.

Here’s Trump talking about the economy and the death toll during an interview on “Fox & Friends” on Friday morning (bolding is mine):“In every way the best economy in the history of the world. We were blowing away China. We were blowing away everybody. We were the envy of the world and then they came in and they explained it, and they said, sir, you have to turn it off. We have to close the country. And I said, say it again. They said, sir, you have to close the country. Nobody ever heard of a thing like this but they were right because if I didn’t we would have lost two million, two and a half million, maybe more than that people, and we’ll be at 100,000, 110,000, higher — the lower level of what was projected if we did the shutdown, but still you’re talking about — I say two Yankee stadiums of people.”